الجمعة، يوليو 25، 2008


Location: The Hausa Culture is located mostly in northwestern Nigeria and parts of southwestern Niger ,north cameroom ,north Gana north Togo south burkina faso east Chad they call Hausaland. There are several large cities around Hausaland. The population is the largest in West Africa consisting of over 50 million because of their intermarriages and constant interaction with different peoples. While most of the Hausa live in Hausaland, some of the people are found scattered from West Africa all the way to the Congo Republic settled temporarily as traders or sometimes even permanently. The Hausaland was brought together during the Islamic holy war in the 19th century by Usman d'an Fodio, a Fulani scholar.
Language: The language of Hausa is taken from their name Hausa. It is spoken by about 50 million native speakers and about 30 million use it as a second language. About one-fourth of their language is derived from Arabic and the rest from Fulfulde and Kanuri languages, and even some English is incorporated into their language. Some Hausa even speak French and English fluently and some times even read and write Arabic.
Daily Life: Most Hausa are devoted to the Islamic faith. They worship Allah and believe in the prophets Mohammed. Muslims pray about five times a day and read the Holy Scriptures, fast during the month of Ramadan, and give donations to the poor. There are some Hausa people that do not follow Islam-- they are called Maguzawa and they worship nature spirits called bori or iskoki. Their religious behavior affects their everyday life including their dress, art, house types, laws, and rites of passage.
The Hausa rite of passage is different than other cultures. A week after a child is born they achieve personhood and aren't given a name until the Islamic naming ceremony. The boys and girls must learn the Qu'ranic scripture by the age of 13. In their teens, they may wed. The ceremony lasts for about a week with the bride having the bride and groom's parents contract the marriage according to the Islamic law and then the couple will be brought together with a small celebration. When a Hausa dies, they take them, wash them, wrap them in shroud and bury them facing eastward toward the Islamic holy land of Mecca.
The Hausa grow a variety of crops and vegetables during the rainy season, mainly millet, maize, and sorghum over the 4 to 5 month span. The Hausa enjoy a variety of foods. They grind the grains together with maize and it is used for flour with a variety of different foods. Porridge is served with breakfast and sometimes cakes are served that are made of fried beans or wheat flour. Heavy porridge is served with lunch and dinner also with a soup or stew. Like Americans, dinner is the main meal. They eat little meat, but eat lots of beans, peanuts, and drink a lot of milk brought over from the Fulani people.
Gall, Timothy L. "Encyclopedia of Cultures and Daily Life." Cleveland: Eastword Publications Development, 1998.
Murdock, George P. "Atlas of World Cultures." Pittsburgh: Feffer and Simons, 1981.

الأحد، يوليو 20، 2008

Reception in Hausa Language


ENGLISH _____________________________HAUSA
Welcome _________________________Sannu da Zuwa
Have you arrived? Yes ______________Kun/kin/ka iso ne
How about the rest? _____________Saura fa? {or Yaya saura/sawra
Are they coming? _____________________Suna Zuwa ne
Hope you come well ______________Ina fata kun Zo Lafiya
?How is the Party? _____________________Yaya bikin ne
It is Okay ____________________________Ba damu wa
?Where is your girl friend? ______________Ina Yarin yan ka
She is Coming ___________________________Tana Zuwa
He is Coming ___________________________Yana Zuwa
Let's Dance ____________________________Mu yi rawa

الأحد، يوليو 13، 2008

Counting Of Numbers - Ordinal & Cardinal


ENGLISH ------------HAUSA
Zero --------------------Sifili
One ---------------------Daya
Two ---------------------Biyu
Three --------------------Uku
Four -------------------Hudu
Six -------------------Shidda
Seven -- -------------Bakwai
Eight ----------------Takwas
Nine -------------------Tara
Ten -------------------Goma
Eleven ------Goma Sha Daya
Twelve ------Goma Sha Biyu
Thirteen -----Goma Sha Uku
Fourteen-- --Goma Sha Hudu
Fifteen ------Goma Sha Biyar
Sixteen--- --Goma Sha Shidda
Seventeen ---Goma Sha Bakwai
Eighteen ----Goma Sha Takwas
Nineteen ------Goma Sha Tara
Tweenty --------------Ashirin
Tweenty one---- ashirin da daya
Tweenty two ----ashirin da biyu
tweenty three ---Ashirin da uku
tweenty Four --Ashirin da Hudu
Tweenty five-- --Ashirin da Biyar
Tweenty six -----Ashirin da Shidd
Tweenty seven -Ashirin da Bakwai
Tweenty eight -Ashirin da Takwas
Tweenty nine -----Ashirin da Tara
Hausa-------------------- English
30 ----------------------------talatin
31 -------------------Talatin da Daya
32 -------------------Talatin da Biyu
33 -------------------Talatin da Uku
34 ------------------Talatin da Hudu
35 ------------------Talatin da Biyar
36 ----------------Talatin da Shidda
37 ----------------Talatin da Bakwai
38 ---------------Talatin da Takwas
39 ------------------Talatin da Tara
40 ---------------------------Arbain
41 ------------------Arbain da Daya
42 ------------------Arbain da Biyu
43 ------------------Arbain da Uku
44 ----------------Arbain da Hudu
45 ----------------Arbain da Biyar
46 --------------Arbain da Shidda
47 --------------Arbain da Bakwai
48 -------------Arbain da Takwas
49 ----------------Arbain da Tara
50 -----------------------Hamsin
51 --------------Hamsin da Daya
60 -------------------------Sittin
70 ------------------------Sabain
80 ----------------------Tamanin
90 ------------------------Tasani
100 -------------------------Dari
200 --------------------Dari Biyu
300 ---------------------Dari Uku
400 -------------------Dari Hudu
500 -------------------Dari Biyar
600 ------------------Dari Shidda
700 -----------------Dari Bakwai
800 ----------------Dari Takwas
900 -------------------Dari Tara
1000 ----------------------Dubu
1001 --------Dubu daya da daya

الخميس، يوليو 10، 2008

Asking About Members Of The Family

ENGLISH ------------------- HAUSA
?How is daddy? ------------------- Yaya Baba
He is doing fine ---------------------- Yana nan lafiy
How is mumm? ----------- --------- Yaya mama or wana
she is doing fine -------------------- Tana nan lafiya
How is your wife? ------ ---------------- Yaya matan ka
She is doing well --------------------------Ta na nan lafiya
?How are the Children? -----------------Yaya Yara
They are doing fine ------------------------Sunanan lafiya
?How is your husband? ------------------Yaya mijin ki
He is fine --------------------------------- Yana lafiya
How is your friend? ------------------------Yaya abokin
How is your Brother? Fine ----------------Yaya Dan uwarka? Lafiya
How is your Sister? ------- ---------------Yaya yaruwarki? lafiya
?How is home? ----------------------------Yaya gida
Home is okay -----------------------------Gida lafiya

الاثنين، يوليو 07، 2008

بيان الهوسا بكسلا


بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم وبه نستعين
التاريخ 5/6/2008م
الموضوع : الى جماهير الشعب السوداني السلام عليكم ورحمة الله تعالى وبركاته نحن كقبيلة الهوسا كنا ولا نزال حريصين كل الحرص على سلامة ووحدة اراضي السودان من قبل الاستقلال والى قيام الساعة انشاء الله .لقد ظللنا نحن كابناء ( أبناء الهوسا بجبهة شرق السودان ) منذ قيام جبهة شرق السودان في الصفوف الأولى وإيمانا منا بضرورة المطالبة بالتوزيع العادل للسلطة والثروة والتنمية المستدامة لأهل ومواطني شرق السودان على مختلف قبائلهم ومعتقداتهم .ونحن نمثل نسبة 25% من المجموع الكلي لجيش جبهة شرق السودان هذا في الجانب العسكري اما في الجاني السياسي فنحن نمثل 50% .بعد أن وضعت الحرب اوزارها وتم التوقيع على اتفاقية سلام شرق السودان كان نصيب ابناء الهوسا هو 14% في كل السلطة والثروة والترتيبات الأمنية كل على حدا.لقد تمت عملية توزيع السلطة والثروة والترتيبات الأمنية بكل القبائل المنضوية تحت لواء جبهة الشرق عدا ابناء قبيلة الهوسا .وايضا لم تفي الجبهة باعطاء المسرحين من ابناء الهوسا حقوقهم.وعليه نطالب رئاسة جبهة الشرق اعطائنا حقوقنا كاملة غير منقوصة . ونحن سوف ننظر مدة 15 يوم لاتخاذ القرارات والتعديلات اللازمة لانصافنا ورد حقوقنا . وعلى رئاسة الجبهة تحمل تبعات ما سيحصل عند انضاء الاجل في حين عدم رد الحقوق .
ممثل أبناء الهوسا بجبهة الشرق السودانية
النور علي ابكر ابراهيم
الأمر مرفوع للأخ/ موسى محمد أحمد رئيس جبهة الشرق وبعيداً عن اللغة المتشددة التي استخدمها البيان للنظر في الأمر بما اوتي من الحكمة وسعة الصدر فاخوتنا الهوسا بشرق السودان هم جزء اصيل من التركيبة الأثنية لشرق السودان وهم أخوة أعزاء يشاركوننا ونشاركهم في السراء والضراء.
أحمد حسين أحمد جعفر (العمدة)كسلا

الثلاثاء، يوليو 01، 2008

tarihin hausawa


Kabilar Hausa dai,kabilace dake zaune a arewa maso yammacin taraiyyar Nijeriya da kudu maso yammacin jamhuriyyar Nijar. Kabilace mai dimbin al'umma, amma kuma a al'adance mai mutukar hadaka, akalla akwai sama da mutane miliyan hamsin da harshen yake asali gare su. A tarihance kabilar Hausawa na tattare a salasalar birane.Hausawa dai sun sami kafa daularsu ne tun daga shekarun 1300's, sa'adda suka sami nasarori da dauloli kamar su daular Mali, Songhai,Borno da kuma Fulani. A wasu lokutan Hausawa sun sami gagarimin ikon, mulki da hadaka ta kau da baki'yan neman ruwa da tsaki,da kuma neman angizon a cikinta da kuma harkallar bayi. A farko-farkon shekaru na 1900's, a sa'adda kabilar Hausa ke yinkurin kawar da mulkin angizo na fulani,sai turawan mulkin mallaka na Birtaniya suka mamaye arewancin Nijeriya, da kuma kafa manufofin mulkin bayan gida,a bisa karkashen mulkin birtaniya,'yan mulkin mallaka sai suka marawa fulani baya na cigaba da manufofin angizon siyasarsu, har yanzu dai mulkin kamin gambiza tsakanin Hausawa da Fulani shi ne yayi kane-kane a arewacin Nijeriya. Wannan hadakar gamin kambiza, an farota ne tun asali a matsayin fulani su dare madafun ikon a tsararren tsarin siyasar arewa.Akasarin masu mulki na fulani sun kasance yanzu, a al'adance hausawa gwamitse
Ko da yake, Hausawa na farko-farko maharba ne, amma ya zuwan addinin islama da kuma karbansa da hannu bibbiyu ya sanya labari ya sha bambam.Ginshikokin al'adun hausawa na da mutukar zaranta, kwarewa da sanaiya fiye da sauran al'ummar dake kewayenta. Sha'anin noma ita ce babbar sana'ar hausawa inda hausawa ke ma sana'ar noma kirari da cewa, na doke tsohon ciniki kowa yazo duniya kai yatarar, akwai kuma wasu sana'o'in kamar su sha'anin jima watau harkar fatu, rini, saka da kira, fannonin dake mutukar samun cigaba a harkokin sana'o'in hausawa. Hausawa dai sun jima da shahara wajen harkar fatauci kana kuma masu arziki na taka rawa a sha'anin yau da kullum, tare da masu mulki da masana. Harshen Hausa shi ne mafi girma da kuma mafi sanai'yar harshe a nahiyar Afirka, harshen hausa ya aro wasu kalmomi daga wasu harsuna musamman larabci kana kuma harshen na tafiya tare da yanayin mu na zamani bisa al'adar cudeni-na cudeka. Harshen Hausa dai ya zama harshen yau da kullum ga miliyoyin jama'a da ba hausawa bane a nahiyar Afirka.
Bugu da kari, akwai cincirindon al'ummar Hausawa a manyan biranen yammacin Afirka da arewacinta da kuma yankunan cinikayyar al'ummar Hausawa da kuma yankunan da Hausawa suka jima suna bi a hanyar ta zuwa aikin hajji. Akwai kuma rubutattun adabi masu zurfi da kasidodi da kuma rubuce-rubuce a rubutun ajami da aka buga tun kafin zuwan turawa yan' mulkin mallaka na birtaniyya. Har ila yau, kuma wani tsarin rubutu a ajame da aka kirkiro tun kafin zuwan turawa, da ba kasafai ake amfani da shi ba yanzu.